Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Things that pissed me off today.

The things that pissed me off today. There will be other things on other days as always..
  1. Bad drivers. Why are there so many of them? Give me a gun so I can shoot out their tires.
  2. Bad parkers. They put the lines there for a reason. If you can't do the lines how did you get your licence?
  3. Bus talkers. I have talked about this before. If I wanted to chat with you I wouldn't be wearing my headphones.
  4. Slow walkers. Really slow walkers. Are they secret millionaires that have nothing else to do?
  5. People who use their blackberries in a meeting. Is your time more valuable than mine?
  6. TV Commercials. About 2% of them are good, the rest assume we have the intelligence of a tadpole. This is why I don't watch TV.
  7. Whiners. Nuff said.
  8. Too many restaurants that serve crappy fried food. Who eats this shit? Why are they still in business?
  9. Long lines for anything. I don't know about you but I won't stand in line for ANYTHING!
  10. People who think that the world revolves around them. As if! At the end of the day, they will only be remembered for the selfishness. How sad.

I feel much better now.

PS, water is down, dock is in, boat is ready to go!

Something to ponder: I can't complain, but sometimes I still do. ~Joe Walsh

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