Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Too much work!

What is it that makes us work like dogs for our employers? Why do we come in early, stay late, sit at our desk during our lunch, spend all of our time making sure that everyone else gets what they need? What about our needs?

Wouldn't it be nice if our employers, and I'm not talking about our direct leaders, I'm talking about senior management, came to see us, shake our hands, give us a pat on the back and tell us they appreciate our hard work and tell us what a great job we are doing?

I don't care so much for the title, the money, the odd free day off, I'm talking about the big cheese, coming to my desk, calling me by my name, and thanking me for working my ass off.

In honor of this rant, I have submitted a new definition to urban, I hope you like it:

Workover is when you have way too many projects all at the same time, you didn't have enough to eat as you were too busy working, and as a result you wake up feeling like you have a hangover even though you had nothing to drink. Being Workover is when the work makes you feel that way, not the booze.
"Man I could barely get out of bed today because I was sooooo Workover".

Something to ponder: Leadership is action, not position. ~Donald H. McGannon

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