Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Test your feedback/comments functions please

Today I had an opportunity to participate in a discussion group on data quality measures and to provide feedback on my employer's 'once a year' dinner dance party for all employees. I treasure the opportunity to participate in a discussion and to provide feedback because it makes me feel like my voice is heard. I spent a lot of time organizing my thoughts, gathering facts and presenting the information in the appropriate format, order, context....you get the picture. Both times I hit the submit button I received an error. ARRRGHHHH! And you KNOW I won't try it again a second time.

This is not the first time this happened. The last time this happened to me, I got into the habit of saving my text in a word doc in the event that the 'submit' failed to work. But.. I stopped doing that because, well, it's so ridiculous!
Feedback is a good thing. It helps you/me/them/ improve and the world is a better place. But please, before you add that option for someone to provide feedback, test it - regularly.

Now go test yours.

Thoughts to ponder: I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain. ~Jane Wagner