Friday, August 1, 2008

WTF is with the weather this summer?

I know, it's such a Canadian thing to talk (or post) about the weather. But I just couldn't help myself. What is with all this rain? The last time it rained this much was right after Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991!

I live on the River and have a boat but I can't go boating because it's always raining. We spent a small fortune on a tricked out 'top of the line' wake board and it's sitting in the shed along with all the other water toys. I have a small garden that I like to muck about in but these days 'muck' is only an analogy to describe the soil and waterlogged plants. I planted over 100 garlic bulbs last fall, lovingly added compost, spent a ridiculous amount of money on straw to mulch the babies so they wouldn't freeze this winter - and I could barely harvest them the soil was so wet. I'm lucky I only lost about 5 due to rot. I would have cried...

I know, I shouldn't complain. I have lots to be thankful for. I have a roof over my head so my head is dry. I have a boat which, although it is actually our 'addition on our house' $ wise, I do have a boat. The garlic is harvested and hanging to dry in the shed. The flowers and trees are looking very healthy in a tropical rainforest out of control jungle kind of way. And you have to admit, there is nothing like a walk in the woods on a rainy day!

If this became the norm for summers in Kemptville/Ottawa, I'm sure I could get used to it. After all, I was born in Vancouver, it's in my bones....Now if it was only nice and mild in the winter too.....

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow